Work Packages

Theory of Information Processing (WP2)

To develop a theoretical framework of information processing, critical/extreme phenomena and emergence in and of hierarchical multilevel systems, breaking down into the following objectives:

  • To develop a theoretical framework for information processes in dynamical multi-level systems;
  • To develop theory of critical phenomena and extreme events in/of multi-level systems;
  • To develop theory of self-organised emergence of multi-level topology;
  • To relate the information flow through the system with the emergence of structures and preferred scales;
  • To enable validation the theoretical framework using the Computational Exploratory for Sophocles (WP3) and comparing results of developed theory to socio-economic data provided by WP4.

Theory of Criticality, Emergence, Tipping Points and Self-Organisation (WP3)

In this work package the general theory of information processing in multilevel complex systems from WP2
will be further developed and applied to study dynamical behaviour of multilevel complex systems, specifically
criticality, emergence, tipping points and self-organisation.

Computational Exploratory (WP4)

To realise a Computational Exploratory for Sophocles, allowing validation of theoretical framework as well as applications of theoretical framework to large datasets.

To validate the MML extensions, adapt when necessary other XML-based formalisms for sub-models, and test such integrated system as a scheme capable of formalising the description of any spatio-temporal scale and any model family, including hierarchical networks, multi-scale systems with or without spatial dimension, differential equations, Agent Based Models, Cellular Automata, and Complex Automata. This will be done in a modular way.

Socio-Economic Datasets (WP5)

To apply the mathematical and computational framework for information processing in multi-level complex systems to two financial datasets (tick-by-tick FX data and inter-bank interest rates data) over extended periods and to Social Media data, looking for the universal properties information processing, and analysing the datasets in terms of emergence of scales, critical/extreme events, tipping points and early warnings, resilience to noise, and inter-scale information processing.

Dissemination, Collaboration and Exploitation (WP6)

The aim of this work package is to ensure the dissemination of information about the project, its objectives, approaches and results. This will be achieved through a public website, scientific publications, dissemination materials, and participation at academic events. Moreover, this work package will ensure collaboration with similar FET projects, in order to reinforce the overall proactive initiative through synergies and co-operation among the projects and to improve its visibility for all key stakeholders.

Management (WP1)

Overall technical, financial and administrative management of the consortium and the project’s activities. The Project Coordinator (PC) Dr. A.G. Hoekstra of the UvA will be supported by the Project Manager, Silvia Wissel, also from UvA. The activities in this work package will include all activities necessary to successfully manage and run the consortium.

Criticality and Emergence in Multilevel Systems