All posts by Silvia Wissel

Submit your abstract to IPCS’15 before 20 June

For the CCS’15 Satellite Meeting: INFORMATION PROCESSING IN COMPLEX SYSTEMS (IPCS’15) you can submit your abstracts before 20 June:


All systems in nature have one thing in common: they process information. Information is registered in the state of a system and its elements, implicitly and invisibly. As elements interact, information is transferred. Indeed, bits of information about the state of one element will travel – imperfectly – to the state of the other element, forming its new state. This storage and transfer of information, possibly between levels of a multi level system, is imperfect due to randomness or noise. From this viewpoint, a system can be formalized as a collection of bits that is organized according to its rules of dynamics and its topology of interactions. Mapping out exactly how these bits of information percolate through the system could reveal new fundamental insights in how the parts orchestrate to produce the properties of the system. A theory of information processing would be capable of defining a set of universal properties of dynamical multi level complex systems, which describe and compare the dynamics of diverse complex systems ranging from social interaction to brain networks, from financial markets to biomedicine. Each possible combination of rules of dynamics and topology of interactions, with disparate semantics, would reduce to a single language of information processing.

Fifth All Hands Meeting on Mallorca, 18-20 May 2015

The fifth All Hands Meeting (AHM) of the Sophocles project takes place from 18-20 May 2015 on Mallorca, and will be hosted by the Universitat de les Illes Baleares. The meeting will last for 3 days and the whole consortium will come together to discuss their ongoing work, including updates about theory of information processing; theory of criticality, emergence, tipping points and self-organisation; computational exploratory; and socio-economic datasets.

Fourth All Hands Meeting in Bled, Slovenia, 1-3 December 2014

The fourth All Hands Meeting (AHM) of the Sophocles project takes place from 1st-3rd December 2014 in Bled, and will be hosted by the Insitut Jozef Stefan (JSI). The meeting will last for 3 days and the whole consortium will come together to discuss their ongoing work, including updates about theory of information processing; theory of criticality, emergence, tipping points and self-organisation; computational exploratory; and socio-economic datasets.

Third All Hands Meeting in Geneva, 2-4 June 2014

The third All Hands Meeting (AHM) of the Sophocles project takes place from 2-4 June 2014 in Geneva, and will be hosted by the University of Geneva (UNIGE). The meeting will last for 3 days and the whole consortium will come together to discuss their ongoing work, including updates about theory of information processing; theory of criticality, emergence, tipping points and self-organisation; computational exploratory; and socio-economic datasets.